Become a Sponsor

Our sponsors are promoted through all club correspondence, shared across all social platforms, featured on the website all year round. Prominent signage is displayed at the club house externally for the year and internally during the season. Sponsorship levels can vary and aren't neccessarily monetary gifts, as we'd be delighted for work in kind, discount vouchers or raffle prizes that will aid in business for you and raising funds for our club. Download the package to review and return an offer. 


•Your business name and logo displayed on our game day warm up tops. This will provide your business outstanding brand awareness (worn by 100+ players and visible to 100's of further players and spectators per week across 19 teams).

•Top logo dimension is approximately 260mmx100mm

•Prominent signage in the clubrooms & external clubhouse (dimensions  -  1500mmx600mm)

•Advertising & promotion on our website & Stack TeamApp

•10 posts per season across Facebook and Instagram

•Logo in highlights on Instagram

•Invitation to Sponsors Day & other seasonal events

•Opportunity to present an award at the end of season awards presentation

•2 items of GRHC merchandise, including the warm up top

 Three Seasons


($3000 per season)


•Your business name and logo displayed on our game day warm up tops. This will provide your business outstanding brand awareness (worn by 100+ players and visible to 100's of further  players and spectators per week across 19 teams).

•Top logo dimension is approximately 130mmx80m

•Signage in the clubrooms & external clubhouse (dimensions  - 1000mmx250mm)

•Advertising & promotion on our website & Stack TeamApp

•6 posts per season across Facebook and Instagram

•Invitation to Sponsors Day & other seasonal events

•Opportunity to present an award at the end of season awards presentation

•1 item of GRHC merchandise

 Three Seasons


($1000 per season)


•Your business name and logo displayed on our game day warm up tops. This will provide your business outstanding brand awareness (worn by 100+ players and visible to 100s of further players and spectators per week across 19 teams).

•Top logo dimension is approximately 130mmx80m

•Signage in the clubrooms & external clubhouse (dimensions  - 1000mmx250mm)

•Advertising & promotion on our website & Stack TeamApp

•2 posts per season across Facebook and Instagram

•Invitation to Sponsors Day & other seasonal events

 Three Seasons


($500 per season)


•Significant signage in the clubrooms & external clubhouse (dimensions  -  1000mmx250mm)

•Advertising & promotion on our website & Stack TeamApp

•4 posts per season across Facebook and Instagram

•Invitation to Sponsors Day & other seasonal events

•1 item of GRHC merchandise




•Playing member (Senior or Junior also playing Senior) receives fully paid club subscription* & free entry to end of season awards presentation

•Supply of framed photo of player and display in the clubrooms

•Advertising & promotion on our website & Stack TeamApp

•Invitation to Sponsors Day & other participating events the player is involved  in

$1000 per season


•Playing member (Senior or Junior also playing Senior) receives fully paid club subscription*

•Framed photo of player and sponsor logo displayed in the clubhouse & at sponsor  business

•Recognition on  the  sponsor’ s  page  of the  website

•Invitation to  Sponsors Day & other participating events the player is involved in

$500 per season

Alternate Options

Any support is greatly appreciated, GRHC welcomes the opportunity to discuss any offer of support

Some alternative options are:

•Sponsoring of Clubroom

•End of season awards presentation events (junior and / or senior)

•Equipment (e.g. safety gear for juniors, water filtration system, POS)

•General donations of merchandise, products, vouchers, raffle prizes


* Hockey SA registration & weekly match fees will need to be paid by the individual player

* All Individual Player Sponsorships are tax-deductible for businesses

We Support